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 For Immediate Release
Feb 5, 2000 Contact: Press Office

Dr. Jerry Falwell Looks to Judicial Watch to Halt Corruption

Presidential Candidate Harry Browne of the Libertarian Party Wants to Save the U.S. Constitution

Judicial Watch Pays Tribute to President Reagan on His 89th Birthday

(Washington, D.C.) Today, more light was shed on Dr. Jerry Falwell's and Judicial Watch's suit against The White House and Clinton Justice Department to confirm and obtain files on him and his ministries. The secret database, called VAAPCON, includes files against religious, pro-life leaders and is an obvious means to silence people of faith. Judicial Watch confirmed that the database existed after filing a Freedom of Information Act request.

"We need the Lord's help and Judicial Watch to stop [the Clintons]," said Falwell today. "Judicial Watch, with the Independent Counsel gone, is the only judicial hope we have for putting skids under the moral tailspin and degeneracy of the executive branch of government."

In the second hour, Libertarian Presidential hopeful, Harry Browne, laid out plans to clean-up Washington and restore the U.S. Constitution. "Libertarians know that you cannot play games with the government," said Browne. "You either bind government down from mischief with the chains of the Constitution or there is no Constitution...It's meaningless."

After playing a memorable clip of one of President Ronald Reagan's speeches, Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman praised the life of the greatest American president. "He changed the views of a whole generation of Americans...he had a certain goodness about him which even the liberals couldn't deny." Klayman added.

This episode of The Judicial Watch Report is archived on and will be rebroadcast on WWRC 570 AM in the DC area next Saturday, February 12, between 7-9:00a.m. Next week, The Judicial Watch Report's live program from 12-2:00 p.m. EST, will feature another presidential candidate; author and political commentator Ann Coulter; and world-class political comedian, Jackie Mason. A list of affiliates is available at

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