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 For Immediate Release
Jan 9, 2001 Contact: Press Office


Court Nears Decision on Clinton-Gore White House E-Mail Scandal

Six Month Long Court Trial Uncovers Threats, Obstruction of Justice, Perjury, Clinton-Gore Administration Lawyer Misconduct

(Washington, DC) A federal court judge is now considering whether to levy criminal contempt and other penalties against Clinton-Gore White House officials, lawyers, and others, including the White House and Justice Department, over the threats, obstruction of justice, perjury and other misconduct concerning the still burgeoning White House e-mail scandal. The issue is before U.S. District Court Judge, the Honorable Royce C. Lamberth.

Clinton-Gore White House e-mail was hidden from Judge Lamberth, Congressional investigators, and independent counsels for nearly two years. Judicial Watch uncovered the missing e-mail through White House whistleblower Sheryl Hall, who said that Clinton-Gore White House officials threatened Northrop Grumman computer contractors to keep the e-mail secret. This was confirmed by many witnesses over the course of a six month trial. The scandal is being pursued by Judicial Watch in its ongoing Filegate civil lawsuit on behalf of those Reagan and Bush staffers and others whose FBI files were taken and misused by this White House. Evidence shows that the e-mail at issue is incriminating and covers virtually all the Clinton-Gore scandals and that the cover-up goes as high as Bill and Hillary Clinton. (Mrs. Clinton is a defendant in the Filegate lawsuit.)

Yesterday, the Court received findings of fact and related briefing from Judicial Watch and the Clinton-Gore Administration. In its court filing, Judicial Watch, on behalf of its clients, asked the Court to initiate criminal contempt proceedings against Daniel Barry (a Clinton-Gore White House official who gave false testimony to the Court about the e-mail), Mark Lindsay (one of the Clinton-Gore officials who threatened contractors to keep the e-mail secret), John Podesta (White House Chief of Staff), and others. Judicial Watch is also seeking criminal contempt and other remedies against the Clinton-Gore White House, Department of Justice, and others involved in the obstruction. Judicial Watch’s findings and briefs will be available today on its Internet site at

“Clinton-Gore Administration officials should go to jail over these threats, perjury and obstruction. In this case, justice is at hand for Clinton-Gore White House,” stated Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman.

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