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 For Immediate Release
Feb 6, 2001 Contact: Press Office

Special Judicial Watch Video Presentation


Shows China’s Buying of Clinton-Gore Influence

Names the Guilty in America’s Sellout

For The Scandal You Need to Know

(Washington, DC) Early in the Clinton-Gore administration Communist China’s oligarches set out to gain influence in the U.S. government and also obtain technical secrets by bribing greedy officials with barely camouflaged, illegal campaign contributions. It worked. It worked so well that even the President and Vice President of the United States welcomed Beijing’s bag-men into the White House with open hands. The scandal, possibly the worst in U.S. political history, is now revealed in its unvarnished entirety in Democracy Subverted, a special video presentation by Judicial Watch. Johnny Chung, a former Democratic Party fund raiser who has cooperated with Judicial Watch and the FBI, keeps you riveted to your seat in this explosive production as leads you on the money trail, names names and lays bare the facts of a scandal too long covered up. Democracy Subverted. If you care about America, don’t miss it. The video can be purchased by calling Judicial Watch at (202) 646-5172, or by clicking on the appropriate icons on

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