FBI Raids Storage Facility for Hillary Campaign Docs
JW Client Peter Paul Seeks to Cooperate With Ashcroft to Expose Campaign Fundraising Scandal

On May 30, the FBI finally took aggressive action in its investigation of Hillary Clinton by raiding a storage facility containing property of Peter Paul and seizing documents related to Hillary’s campaign for Senate. Mr. Paul, who has been seeking to cooperate with the USDOJ from a Brazilian jail where he awaits extradition for alleged stock and bank fraud, told the Justice investigators of the storage facility ten months ago.

"Clearly the Justice Department decided to turn up the heat on this investigation and that is a welcome sign," said JW President Tom Fitton. "We’re confident they will find ample evidence to corroborate Mr. Paul’s testimony and hold the Clintons accountable for their crimes."

This particular case against the Clintons can be traced back to August 12, 2000. On that night, celebrities such as Cher, Brad Pitt and John Travolta paid tribute to Bill Clinton during a star-studded Hollywood gala. The event, which was funded to the tune of at least $2 million by California entrepreneur Peter Paul, grossed an additional $1.5 million for Hillary¹s Senate campaign. Mr. Paul’s contributions were not reported to the Federal Election Commission, as is required by law.

The Clintons fraudulently induced Paul to fund the event in exchange for a position for Bill Clinton on the Board of Directors of Paul's company, and a number of other promises, none of which were kept by the Clintons. In fact, once Mr. Paul had outlived his financial usefulness, the Clintons pretended they did not even know him.

The problem for the Clintons, however, is that once locked away in a storage facility in California, and now in the hands of FBI investigators, is the evidence proving the Clintons lied.

Mr. Paul has in his possession copies of checks showing the illegal and unreported campaign contributions, copies of letters from the Clintons personally thanking him for his efforts on their behalf and actual video footage of the Clintons with Paul thanking him for the contributions and for his efforts in putting together the Hollywood tribute.

The search warrant authorizing the FBI raid of Mr. Paul¹s storage facility made specific reference to this evidence, authorizing the seizure of, "Records relating to New York Senate 2000, the Hollywood Gala Salute to President William Jefferson Clinton, the Federal Election Commission, David Rosen and Aaron Tonken."

Rosen was Director of Finance for Hillary¹s campaign, while Tonken is a Democrat fundraiser who raised money for Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Story developing…