Judicial Watch Victory
Clinton White House Victim, Whistleblower Earns Justice!

Rather than face Judicial Watch lawyers in court, the FBI and the Department of Justice instead offered an $85,000 settlement to JW Client and former FBI Special Agent M. Dennis Sculimbrene, the man who heroically took on the Clinton White House in the infamous Filegate and other Clinton scandals.

Mr. Sculimbrene, a 23-year veteran of the FBI who served in four presidential administrations, testified against the Clinton White House in JW’s Filegate case, exposing the key link between Hillary Rodham Clinton and the former bar bouncer turned White House Security Officer, Craig Livingstone. JW alleges that Livingstone conspired with Mrs. Clinton to violate the privacy rights of former Reagan and Bush staffers by illegally obtaining their FBI files, so that confidential information could be used against them. (Most believe the FBI files scandal was a big reason many Republicans, including the current President, were afraid to take on the Clintons.)

In retaliation for his politically explosive testimony, Mr. Sculimbrene was subjected to a number of intimidation tactics by Bill Clinton and his pack of political assassins. He was removed from his job, subjected to an illegal FBI background investigation, had his White House pass removed, and was ultimately forced into retirement because, according to his supervisor, his presence at The White House "made the First Family uncomfortable."

Subsequent to his dismissal, Special Agent Sculimbrene was also harassed and intimidated by FBI agents sent to his house to question him.

"This is a landmark victory against the Clinton political machine," said JW President Tom Fitton, “for this clearly shows other whistleblowers that justice can be earned by those who pursue it with vigor. We’re grateful to Mr. Sculimbrene both for the courage he exhibited during this legal battle, and for the important information he has provided in the Filegate matter, which is still being pursued by Judicial Watch."

In addition to the FBI and the Department of Justice, Mr. Sculimbrene originally filed his lawsuit against former White House officials Lanny Davis, Jack Quinn, and Howard Shapiro, seeking damages under the Ku Klux Klan Act. However, a Clinton-appointed official removed the individual defendants from the lawsuit.

Judicial Watch continues to pursue revelations provided by Mr. Sculimbrene in his testimony in order to win additional legal victories against the Clinton administration for its corrupt and illegal activities.