Judicial Watch Targets Richard Perle For Aiding Communist Chinese

Judicial Watch recently launched a probe into whether or not a key Bush administration advisor violated conflict of interest laws by trying to help the Communist Chinese gain control of Global Crossing, Ltd. While serving as Chairman of the Defense Advisory Board for the United States, Richard Perle was paid a whopping $750,000 (with the potential for an additional $600,000) by Global Crossing to help secure the sale of the telecommunications company to Chinese conglomerate Hutchinson Whampoa.

The Defense and Justice Departments have been opposed to the deal for obvious national security reasons. The U.S. government uses Global Crossing’s worldwide communications network and would be rendered highly vulnerable were this network to be controlled by the Chinese.

Hutchinson Whampoa is the holding company of Chinese billionaire Li-Ka Shing, Hong Kong’s richest man, who has close and suspicious ties to the Chinese Communist government and military. According to intelligence documents obtained by Judicial Watch in its investigation, Li-Ka Shing, "is directly connected to Beijing and is willing to use its business influence to further the aims of the Chinese government." He is also the founding board member of the China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC), a front group for China’s "People’s Liberation Army."

"Li Ka-Shing is a highly dangerous agent of the Communist Chinese government," said Fitton. "This is not the type of individual Perle should be assisting, especially while serving on a national security advisory panel."

The Defense Advisory Board is made up of former government officials, retired military officers and members of the academic community. Its purpose is to review and assess defense policies. As Chairman of the Defense Advisory Board, Perle had access to classified information and was in a position to influence policies involving weapons procurement and military and political strategy. At the same time, Perle was also representing the interests of the Communist Chinese through his support of the Hutchinson Whampoa takeover of Global Crossing. This is in direct violation of the Federal Code of Conduct, which prohibits a special employee from participating in an official capacity in any matter in which he or she has a financial interest.

Perle, under fire, resigned his position as Chairman of the Defense Advisory Board on March 27, 2003, but he still remains an influential member with the same high-level access to confidential and highly sensitive information.

Judicial Watch’s complaint was filed with the Office of Government Ethics, the Office of the Defense Department Inspector General, the Office of Homeland Security Inspector General, Attorney General Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller.

Judicial Watch is also investigating Perle for his involvement with Loral Space and Communications and the illegal transfer of rocket technology to the Chinese. Loral’s Chairman, Bernard Schwartz was a major contributor to the Clinton campaign.