CAIR Gets Police to Cancel “Anti-Muslim” Terrorism Training
Several police departments in Illinois have cancelled their anti-terrorism training because an Islamic terrorist front group complained that the instructor is blatantly anti-Muslim.
It’s yet another one of those only in America stories! The Islamic group that reportedly raises money for Hamas, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), snapped its fingers and U.S. law enforcement agencies rolled over! It all started with anti-terrorism training for local police in Lombard, a small town located about 20 miles west of Chicago.
CAIR, which promotes itself as the nation’s largest Muslim advocacy organization, complained that the instructor (Sam Kharoba, who runs a Florida-based business called Counter Terrorism Operations Center) teaches extremist views about Islam that are inaccurate and biased. His training materials are full of inaccuracies, sweeping generalizations and stereotypes, according to CAIR.
As an example CAIR offered this; a 2011 article written by Kharoba that makes disparaging comments about the Prophet Muhammad and says that “anyone who says that Islam is a religion of peace is either ignorant or flat out lying.” Counterterrorism is much too important to be confounded with anti-Islam dribble, says CAIR’s Chicago director Ahmed Rehab.
Like a good lapdog the Lombard Police Department quickly cancelled its training and pulled officers out of the course, called “Islamic Awareness as a Counter-Terrorist Strategy.” Other police departments in Illinois, including Elmhurst and Highland Park, that were scheduled to take the course also caved in and cancelled the trainings. CAIR celebrated with a statement commending officials for their “swift action in addressing the Muslim community’s concerns.”
Keep in mind that CAIR is a terrorist front group with extensive links to foreign and domestic Islamists. It was founded in 1994 by three Middle Eastern extremists (Omar Ahmad, Nihad Awad and Rafeeq Jaber) who ran the American propaganda wing of Hamas, known then as the Islamic Association for Palestine. In 2008 CAIR was a co-conspirator in a federal terror-finance case involving the Hamas front group Holy Land Foundation. Read more in a Judicial Watch special report that focuses on Muslim charities.
Incredibly, the Obama administration is tight with CAIR. In fact, last year the president’s deputies held hundreds of closed-door meetings with CAIR officials. Little information was discussed publicly about the secret sessions, but the news organization that broke the story quoted a White House director saying that government departments and agencies discussed a “range of issues.”
Coincidentally, around the same time, the FBI purged its anti-terrorism training curricula of material determined to be “offensive” to Muslims. Judicial Watch uncovered this scandal and obtained the FBI records just a few weeks ago. CAIR is not specifically named but the records show that an undisclosed group of “Subject Matter Experts” (SME) determined the federal training material was offensive to Muslims.
JW had to sue the FBI and Obama Justice Department for the records, which include hundreds of pages of FBI memos and documents. The excised material includes references linking the Muslim Brotherhood to terrorism, tying al Qaeda to the 1993 World Trade Center and Khobar Towers bombings, and suggesting that “young male immigrants of Middle Eastern appearance … may fit the terrorist profile best.”