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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Corruption Chronicles

Gardasil Law Under Fire

A Virginia lawmaker has introduced legislation to repeal an outrageous state law that requires young girls to receive a controversial cervical cancer vaccine linked to dozens of deaths and thousands of adverse reactions nationwide.

Extensively investigated by Judicial Watch, the deadly vaccine (Gardasil) is mandatory for girls ages 11 and 12 in several states—including Texas, Maryland and the District of Columbia—despite its perilous history. Food and Drug Administration records obtained as part of Judicial Watch’s probe document negative side effects in a disturbing number of cases, including 3,589 in the last 16 months alone. Click here to see the government logs and read about Judicial Watch’s ongoing Gardasil investigation.

Despite the daunting evidence, at least 19 states have passed laws requiring funding or educating the public about the vaccine, which has been promoted by the pharmaceutical giant that makes it as a miracle shot that can prevent certain strains of cervical cancer caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Among states that have enacted Gardasil-related laws are Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, Rhode Island and Utah. In all 50 states, tax dollars help pay for the shots because the Centers for Disease Control makes them available through the federal Vaccines for Children program.

At least one lawmaker is taking the overwhelming evidence against Gardasil seriously enough to take action. Kathy Byron, a Republican who represents Bedford and Campbell counties in the Virginia House, is working to kill the state’s law requiring the HPV vaccine for girls entering sixth grade. Enacted in 2008, the measure lets parents opt out only if they notify the school in writing.

Other efforts to nix Virginia’s Gardasil law have failed, but Byron, who voted against the legislation a few years ago, believes “new concerns” regarding the vaccine’s safety will strengthen support for her measure. She further points out that the HPV vaccine requirement is based on a condition that is not communicable in a school setting.

Indeed, the strains of cervical cancer that Gardasil’s manufacturer (Merk) claims to prevent can only be communicated by sexual contact and therefore don’t represent a danger to children or the general population.



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