Never before in our quarter-century history has Judicial Watch…
- Uncovered such important new information through our investigations and litigation to expose the corrupt Deep State swamp in Washington, DC and hold its operatives accountable;
- Prosecuted as many active lawsuits on this and a host of other issues critical to the rule of law and the integrity and well-being of our country;
- Conducted thousands of investigations and filed hundreds of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests attempting to learn what our government is up to;
- Achieved such important progress fighting for honest elections across the country (capped this year by our historic legal settlement with California and Los Angeles County that will remove as many as 1.59 MILLION ineligible voters from their rolls); and
- So persistently held to account corrupt politicians (including Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton) in both parties who have corrupted government institutions for their own personal and ideological agendas.
Help us sue big government to drain the swamp now!