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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!



Trump Indictment Update!

Top Headlines of the Week

Press Releases

Judicial Watch Statement on Trump Indictment

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the indictment of former President Donald Trump: This day will go down in infamy. The unprecedented and corrupt indictment of President Trump is built on sand and is brazen election interference. It is an indictment about nothing. Biden’s further transforming of the FBI and Justice Department into political enforcers in order to jail his leading political opponent could lead to the end of our constitutional republic. The indictment has followed years of prosecutorial misconduct, harassment, and abuse victimizing Trump. Not only is Trump innocent but he is a crime victim.

Judicial Watch: Supreme Court of Delaware Hearing in Lawsuit for President Biden’s Senate Records at Univ of Delaware

Judicial Watch recently announced that an argument will be held in the Supreme Court of Delaware on Wednesday, June 14, 2023, in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on behalf of itself and the Daily Caller News Foundation regarding the secret deal keeping President Biden’s Senate records from being made public.

Record Number of Foreigners on FBI Terror Watchlist Caught Crossing into U.S. Via Mexico

While the Biden administration and its media allies highlight that illegal immigration has dropped considerably since the termination of a Trump-era restriction, a record number of suspected terrorists have been caught trying to enter the U.S. through Mexico. Not surprisingly, mainstream news reports have focused on the positive effect that the expiration of a COVID-related rule known as Title 42 has had on migration.

Judicial Watch Sues Biden Justice Department for Refusing to Reveal Names of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Staff

“Given the overwhelming evidence of anti-Trump bias disclosed in the Durham Report, it is urgent that Americans be able to find out who is again investigating Trump from the Garland Justice Department and his appointee Jack Smith,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “Special Prosecutor Jack Smith isn’t above the law, and the American people have the right to know about just who is working on his unprecedented and politicized anti-Trump investigation.”


In The News

Judicial Watch: Clinton Sock Drawer Audio Tape Case Exonerates Pres. Trump

One America News Network

A decade old legal case that could exonerate former President Donald Trump has been buried by legacy media.

“[Special counsel] Jack Smith is terrified of the only standing legal case decision from a court concerning the Presidential Records Act,” said Chris Farrell, Director of Investigations at Judicial Watch.


Watchdog sues DOJ seeking names of special counsel staff

Just the News

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Monday announced that it had filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Justice over its refusal to disclose the names of staffers working with special counsel Jack Smith on his investigation of former President Donald Trump.


Twitter users mock CIA’s pride post celebrating ‘rich history’ of ‘LGBTQ+ officers’: ‘Wildly dystopian’

Fox News

The CIA’s “WELCO-ME” pride month initiative quickly drew criticism from Twitter users who called out the government agency for “re-branding.”


Video Highlights


Hunter Biden Laptop Update!

CIA Rushed Approval of Hunter Laptop Letter by Former Intel Officials Judicial Watch Announces President Tom Fitton’s Fourth Book DHS Lets Criminals, Suspected Terrorists into U.S....

FITTON: Initiate the 25th Amendment now

In The News | June 27, 2024
From Tom Fitton in Washington Times: Those videos of President Biden freezing, getting lost in his thoughts, shuffling, slurring his words, wandering off and simply checking out ar...

Judicial Watch: FOIA Lawsuit Emails Show CIA Rushed Approval of Infamous Hunter Laptop Letter…

Press Releases | June 26, 2024
‘High Profile/High Alert Action’  (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it received eight pages of records from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) showing Mike ...