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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch Weekly Update

BREAKING: New Book Exposes Government Secrets and Lies

New Book “Rights and Freedoms in Peril, an Investigative Report on the Left’s Attack on America” on Sale Oct 15
Judicial Watch Sues Air Force Academy for DEI Details
Judicial Watch Sues over Break-In by Secret Service Agents Covering Harris
Biden-Harris Administration Sues Landlords that Ban Tenants with Criminal Records


New Book “Rights and Freedoms in Peril, an Investigative Report on the Left’s Attack on America” on Sale Oct 15

My fourth Judicial Watch book, Rights and Freedoms in Peril: An Investigative Report on the Left’s Attack on America, is set for publication on October 15. It details a long chain of abuses officials and political groups have made against the American people and is available for pre-order now at

My first three books were New York Times bestsellers.

Since the release of the previous book, A Republic Under Assault, the Left has taken extraordinary steps to eradicate American liberty, motivated by a radical ideology whose adherents occupy the nation’s highest offices. Now, in Rights and Freedoms in Peril: An Investigative Report on the Left’s Attack on America (Threshold Editions/Gallery Books), I detail a long chain of abuses officials and politicians have made against the American people and call readers to battle for the soul and survival of America.

You will be taken to the front lines where the progressive movement threatens America’s most venerable institutions, undermining the core principles that make this country a beacon of hope to the world. The Left has declared war on everything from the rule of law to a colorblind U.S. Constitution, border security, and government accountability. Their anti-American agenda must be stopped to save our country’s future.

My previous book, A Republic Under Assault, The Left’s Ongoing Attack on American Freedom, is a hard-hitting, fast-paced look at how the Radical Left and the Deep State tried to destroy the Trump presidency. It expands on the observation that “President Biden has a personal corruption problem, has obvious health challenges, and must manage internal warfare between his party’s corrupt corporate wing and its rising Communists. His moral claim on the presidency is rejected by a massive number of voters.”

The first two bestselling books, The Corruption Chronicles and Clean House revealed what Judicial Watch, the world’s largest and most effective watchdog group, uncovered in its battles against Obama administration secrecy.

Politicized indictments, ruined elections, invasions, and compromised politicians have placed our republican form of government in danger. There is a way forward, but we must be diligent about understanding the scope and detail of the peril.

Shedding light on the truths and secrets of the left, Rights and Freedoms in Peril provides that way forward.


Judicial Watch Sues Air Force Academy for DEI Details

Diversity, equity and inclusion, DEI, seems like Job No. 1 for our nation’s military academies. The Biden-Harris Defense Department is obsessed with indoctrinating our rising military leadership with woke, anti-American ideology. Judicial Watch filed yet another lawsuit to expose and stop this abuse of the young men and women in the Air Force Academy.

We filed the lawsuit on behalf of our steadfast friends at Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services, Inc. (STARRS) against the U.S. Department of Defense for records regarding the U.S. Air Force Academy’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) plans (Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Defense (No. 1:24-cv-02712)).

We sued in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the U.S. Air Force Academy failed to adequately respond to two Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests concerning DEI tracking at the Academy.

A November 2021 request seeks:

An assessment mandated by the Superintendent to be produced by September 2013.

“Measurements” referenced in Annex 2, Goal D5 and Priorities 2.1 and 2.2.

Cadet wing demographics (e.g., race, ethnicity, and gender) upon entry and graduation for each year between 2003 and 2021 and corresponding representation in cadet commander positions at wing, group, and squadron levels.

An August 2024 request asks for:

Records of cadet wing demographics (e.g., race, ethnicity, and gender) upon entry and graduation for the years 2022, 2023, and 2024 and corresponding representation in cadet commander positions at wing, group, and squadron levels.

Included in the Air Force Academy’s DEI 2013 report is the statement by Superintendent Lt. Gen. Michael Gould:

The USAFA Diversity and Inclusion Plan, 2012 Revision, is an action plan for D, E, & I that Team USAFA will implement over the next five years. The Annexes are a set of “living documents” for each Mission Partner and Directorate. My staff and I will evaluate the content found in the Annexes at the close of each fiscal year, so the first evaluation will take place in September 2013.

STARRS’ mission “is to help educate our fellow Americans regarding the criticality of having a military that focuses solely on the essential readiness needed to fight and win our nation’s wars.”

Our lawsuits and FOIA requests on Critical Race Theory and other leftist extremism are extensive.

In June 2024, we sued the Defense Department for records regarding deletion of the words “Duty, Honor, Country” from the United States Military Academy at West Point’s mission statement.

In March 2023, records we obtained from the Department of Defense showed the Air Force Academy has made race and gender instruction a top priority in the training of cadets.

In July 2023, we exposed records from the United States Air Force Academy that included instructional materials and emails that address topics such as Critical Race Theory, “white privilege,” and Black Lives Matter.

In July 2022, we sued the Department of Defense for  records related to the United States Naval Academy (USNA) implementing Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the training of naval recruits.

In June, we received records revealing Critical Race Theory instruction at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point One training slide contains a graphic titled “MODERN-DAY SLAVERY IN THE USA.” [Emphasis in original]

As you can see, DEI is an obsession for the Biden-Harris military. We must expose and get it out root and branch.


Judicial Watch Sues over Break-In by Secret Service Agents Covering Harris

The Biden-Harris Secret Service broke into a business and tried to cover it up – and they’re still trying to cover it up.

We filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security for Secret Service records about a break-in at a hair salon by Secret Service agents in Pittsfield, MA, during a campaign fundraising visit by Vice President Kamala Harris (Judicial Watch Inc. v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No,1:24-cv–02750)).

We sued after the Secret Service failed to respond to an August 12, 2024, FOIA request for:

  • All emails and text messages of members of the Vice Presidential Protective Detail regarding the break-in by Secret Service officials of the Four One Three Salon in Pittsfield, Massachusetts on July 27, 2024, as described in various news media, such as­ news/secret-service-apologizes-to-salon-owner-over-break-in-bathroom-use­ during-kamala-harris-event/.
  • Communications of the special agent-in-­charge of the Secret Service field office in Boston, as well as Acting USSS Director Ronald Rowe, Assistant Director Michael Plati, Assistant Director Brian Lambert, and Assistant Director David Smith regarding the break-in of the Four One Three Salon.
  • Copies of all complaints filed against the Secret Service by individuals or businesses impacted by Secret Service operations in connection with the July 27 Harris campaign fundraiser in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

The New York Post reported on August 11: “The Secret Service apologized to a salon owner in Massachusetts who alleged that individuals broke into her business to use the bathroom during the agency’s security work for a nearby Veep Kamala Harris fundraiser…. [A] Secret Service officer covered a camera outside her salon with tape.”

In September, following up on reports that the Biden Secret Service denied President Trump’s requests for additional Secret Service protection, we sued the Department of Homeland Security for all Secret Service and other records regarding potential increased protective services to former President Trump’s security detail prior to the attempt on his life at his July 13 campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

In August we released records showing that the Secret Service has made it a top priority that “diversity and inclusion is not just ‘talked about’ – but demonstrated by all employees through ‘Every Action, Every Day.’” [Emphasis in original]

On July 31, we reported that the United States Secret Service completely denied multiple FOIA requests for documents about the assassination attempt on former President Trump.

On July 22, we announced a lawsuit for records of an incident in which a Secret Service agent assigned to protect Vice President Kamala Harris reportedly got into a scuffle with colleagues

In February we released documents showing that Assistant Director Michael Plati ordered his staff not to respond to a request for information from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s head of security.

To be blunt, the Secret Service is a dysfunctional agency overcome by political corruption, incompetence, as well as diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) obsession. And, as the near assassinations of Trump show, this dysfunction is deadly dangerous.


Biden-Harris Administration Sues Landlords that Ban Tenants with Criminal Records

Leftists seem to like people who break the law. If you’re a landlord, they will force you to take them in. Our Corruption Chronicles blog explains:

To keep with an Obama era housing rule that prohibits landlords from banning tenants with criminal records, the Biden administration is going after property owners that use background checks to screen prospective renters. Under the civil rights law known as the Fair Housing Act, housing discrimination is prohibited based on race or color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status or disability, but Obama’s U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued an order in 2016 adding criminals to the protected class. In the document Helen R. Kanovsky, then HUD General Counsel, wrote that a policy or practice that restricts access to housing on the basis of criminal history has a disparate impact on individuals of a particular race, national origin, or other protected class and that violates the Fair Housing Act even if the discrimination is unintended. “Because of widespread racial and ethnic disparities in the U.S. criminal justice system, criminal history-based restrictions on access to housing are likely disproportionately to burden African Americans and Hispanics,” HUD’s top legal official wrote.

To abide by the Obama order, the Biden administration has aggressively pursued landlords that do not want to rent to criminals. This month the Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a lawsuit against the owners and managers of a residential property in Kinloch, Missouri, for engaging in a pattern or practice of race and/or color discrimination against prospective black tenants by banning renters with felony convictions and certain other criminal histories. The agency alleges in its complaint that the defendants violated the Fair Housing Act under the same skewed interpretation delivered by Obama’s HUD General Counsel. The residential multifamily rental apartment complex, Suburban Heights, is around 15 miles from St. Louis and has 102 units in six two-story buildings. Since 2015 management has enforced a categorical ban on tenants with criminal histories, “which are known to have significant statistical disparities,” the DOJ writes, adding that by choosing to use that policy defendants deterred prospective black tenants from applying to rent and excluded them from housing opportunities at their property.

“It is well documented and known that there are statistical Black-White racial disparities in conviction and incarceration rates,” the DOJ complaint states. “Incarceration data indicates that Black individuals are significantly more likely than White individuals to have the types of convictions covered by Suburban Heights’ Criminal History Ban. This is true nationwide and, to an even greater extent, in St. Louis City and St. Louis County. Black individuals are at least four times, and often more than five times, more likely than White individuals to be incarcerated in prisons, both at any given point in time and over the course of their lifetimes.” As an example, the agency offers that the national black-white disparities in prison incarceration rates are consistently five to one. In the St. Louis area, the black-white incarceration disparity is worse at seven to one, according to the federal complaint. “These Black-White statistical disparities in incarceration rates are an appropriate proxy and the best available evidence for the statistical disparities in rates of the types of convictions covered by Suburban Heights’ Criminal History Ban,” the lawsuit says, adding that the property managers chose to adopt and enforce a policy which predictably excludes black tenants at a higher rate than white tenants.

The DOJ is using the same argument to go after local governments and law enforcement agencies across the country that have implemented measures to curb an epidemic of crime, drugs and gang violence in rental properties. The popular laws, enacted by thousands of cities nationwide are commonly known as “crime-free” and “nuisance” programs that restrict housing based on criminal and arrest records and punish landlords and tenants with excessive calls to police and emergency services or those engaged in criminal activity. To improve living conditions in mainly low-income rentals 2,000 cities across 48 states have adopted crime-free and nuisance policies, according to the DOJ, which has legally challenged many of the measures in the last few years claiming that they are discriminatory and therefore violate federal law because they “unfairly penalize communities of color.” Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke, who heads the Biden DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, claims that “even when well-intentioned, these programs can disrupt lives, force families into homelessness and result in loss of jobs, schooling and opportunities for people who are disproportionately low-income people of color – all in violation of federal law.”


Until next week,


Joe Biden was possibly ‘sick or injured’ as cops prepared to meet him at…

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Keeping with Obama Housing Rule DOJ Sues Landlords that Ban Tenants with Criminal Records

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To keep with an Obama era housing rule that prohibits landlords from banning tenants with criminal records, the Biden administration is going after property owners that use backgro...