In-Depth Look Into Hillary’s Scandalous Past
Hillary Clinton’s Culture of Corruption: The Scandal Queen. Sounds appropriate given the subject’s well-documented public career. It’s actually the title of a seven-part series, launched this week by New Media Journal, detailing the New York senator’s scandal-plagued career with colorful anecdotes and fascinating figures.
The eight-page introduction covers Clinton’s early years as a partner in the Rose law firm, her years in the White House and her character. That part, tells how Clinton refused to acknowledge the woman who wrote her 1996 book, It Takes a Village, how she targeted and tried to destroy her husband’s mistresses and how she denied knowing close associates, such as Indonesian billionaire Moctar Riady, because he is a renowned criminal.
Among the most interesting points is the scandal index of the Clinton years, which lists the couple’s staggering numbers. For instance, it points out that Hillary is the only first lady to come under criminal investigation and that her husband was the first president to be impeached for personal malfeasance, that he had the most number of guilty pleas by friends and associates and the most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation.
Other interesting facts of the Clinton presidency include; the most number of witnesses to flee the country or refuse to testify, the first president to be held in contempt of court, to receive the greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions and to be sued for sexual harassment.
Apparently, Hillary is keeping the Clinton legacy of lies and distortions alive. The American Thinker tracks her closely and says she is a hate-spewing lady who is angry, bitter, shrill, mendacious, dissimulating, arrogant and greedy.