New York Gov. Cuomo moves to erase state emails amid corruption scandal
Governor Andrew Cuomo announced plans to remove all state employee emails that are older than 90 days. This news comes after the arrest of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, who took bribes and is the subject of an asbestos lawsuit. Cuomo’s plans have received criticism from Republicans and Democrats in New York’s Assembly and State Senate. Despite this news, Margaret Miller, New York state’s chief information officer, said any emails subject to FOIA lawsuits or requests would be retained.
Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, offered some commentary on these plans, which obstruct transparency on government corruption matters.
“Coming on the heels of the arrest of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver suggests this is part of a cover-up operation,” Fitton told the Washington Examiner. “Given this memo and that arrest, I think it’s fair to ask if there’s a connection.”