Judicial Watch Announces September 14 Leadership Summit ‘Washington Corruption and the Transparency Crisis’
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch is proud to announce that Judge Andrew Napolitano will be the keynote speaker at its upcoming Leadership Summit on “Washington Corruption and the Transparency Crisis” on September 14. Napolitano is a senior judicial analyst for the Fox News Channel. He is also the author of eight books on the U.S. Constitution, two of which have been New York Times best-sellers.
Other top-flight speakers include U.S. Congressman Louie Gohmert; Fox News analyst Andy McCarthy; former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova; Steve Bannon, executive chairman of Breitbart News; John Fund, national affairs columnist for National Review Online and a senior editor at The American Spectator; J. Christian Adams, president and general counsel for the Public Interest Legal Foundation; and Sidney Powell, Federal Appeals Court practitioner and author of Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice.
This full-day event will address the current, unprecedented assault on the rule of law and corruption epidemic in Washington, DC – including the transparency crisis caused by illegal and out-of-control government secrecy.
Date: Monday, September 14, 2015
Time: Media Check-In 8:00 am ET
Location: Hyatt Regency 400 New Jersey Ave NWWashington, DC
Judicial Watch is America’s largest and most effective government watchdog. The non-partisan group has scored a string of impressive successes in its efforts to uncover and stop government corruption. Judicial Watch litigation and investigations are widely recognized as being more effective than Congress and much of the media. For example, Judicial Watch broke open the IRS, Benghazi, and, most recently, the Hillary Clinton email scandals.
9:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Welcome Remarks
Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch
9:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Session 1:
Clinton Corruption Challenge from Benghazi to Clinton Cash
Moderator: Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch
Steve Bannon, executive chairman of Breitbart News
John Fund, national affairs columnist for National Review Online and a senior editor at The American Spectator
Joseph E. diGenova, founding partner of diGenova & Toensing, LLP
David Martosko, U.S. political editor of DailyMail.com
10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. BREAK
10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Session 2:
Illegal Immigration Crisis: National Security, Job Security, Election Integrity and Public Safety
Moderator: Chris Farrell, director of research and investigations for Judicial Watch
U.S. Congressman Louie Gohmert, (R-Texas)
Andrew C. McCarthy III, senior fellow at National Review Institute and contributing editor at National Review
Robert Popper, senior attorney and head of Judicial Watch’s Election Integrity Project
J. Christian Adams, president and general counsel for the Public Interest Legal Foundation
Irene Garcia, investigative reporter at Judicial Watch
12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Keynote Luncheon
Keynote speaker: Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, senior judicial analyst at Fox News
2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Session 3:
The IRS Attack on Free Speech
Moderator: Paul Orfanedes, director of litigation at Judicial Watch
Sidney Powell, Federal Appeals Court practitioner and author of Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice
Ramona Cotca, senior attorney at Judicial Watch
3:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Closing Remarks
Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch