Judicial Watch Statement on the Firing of Acting Attorney General Sally Yates — “Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding President Donald Trump’s firing of acting Attorney General Sally Yates Monday night for “refusing to enforce a legal order designed to”…http://jwatch.us/AM7pAc
State Department Ordered to Turn Over 30 Clinton Emails for Review by Federal Court Judge — “Judicial Watch on November 23, 2016, asked the court to reject the State Department’s secrecy claims over the Clinton email documents on the grounds the documents relate to government misconduct”…http://jwatch.us/4Mh6VM
Judicial Watch Notifies John Kerry and ODNI of Intent to Sue to Force Official Damage Assessment of Clinton Emails — “The demand for a damage assessment was contained in a January 10 certified letter sent to Director of National Intelligence Director James Clapper, former Secretary”…http://jwatch.us/p35dvW
Judicial Watch and AEF File Amici Curiae Opposing Attempt to Force Public Disclosure of Nonprofit Donors — “The fear of negative consequences arising from public disclosure expressed by those contemplating donations to conservative organizations are founded on recent events. As has been widely”…http://jwatch.us/EKdEqn
Feds Blame “Lapse in Vetting” for Admitting Syrian Refugees with Terrorist Ties into U.S. — “Dozens of Syrian refugees already living in the Unites States may have ties to terrorism and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is downplaying it, claiming federal agents missed “possible”…http://jwatch.us/XtScc3
Tom Fitton’s Voter Fraud OP-ED
It’s Naive To Think Illegal Aliens Aren’t Voting – By The Millions via The Daily Caller — “There are a total of 43 million noncitizens currently living within US borders. Of these, approximately 12 million are illegal aliens. Not only are there well-documented reasons to believe that many of them may be violating election integrity, the fact is, many on the left are more than happy to see them do so. A Rasmussen Reports poll last year found that 53 percent of the Democratic Party supports allowing illegal aliens to vote.” (READ THE FULL ARTICLE)
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Media Coverage
Divided –- “The groups — including True the Vote and Judicial Watch — have pressed states for years to clean up what they see as antiquated and corrupted voter lists and crack down on fraudulent registration. As America is divided politically, so is the debate over voter fraud: The left says it’s nonexistent; the right says it’s widespread enough to shift close elections to Democrats. “Our litigation and expert investigations show the voting rolls are a mess,” said Tom Fitton, director of the government watchdog Judicial Watch. “Many states have no basic checks, such as voter ID, in place to stop fraud. If a government doesn’t know who is voting and has voting rolls rife with dead people and aliens, you can presume fraud…”http://bit.ly/2jrs9CQ
More cover-ups? — “Moss said he ordered the move out of “an abundance of caution” in connection with a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act lawsuit exploring the officials’ use of personal email on government computers. Justice Department lawyers opposed the preservation order, saying the officials already pledged to hang on to any potentially responsive emails in their accounts. On Thursday, federal government attorneys went back to Moss, asking him to reconsider the order…” http://politi.co/2jS4HuH
Chris Farrell’s “On Watch”
Chris Farrell, Director of Investigations and Research at Judicial watch, is bringing you a weekly segment every Tuesday discussing the ongoing investigations Judicial Watch is involved in. These investigations are in the areas of immigration, drug cartels, corrupt border officials, and more…
This week we have Chris Farrell discussing corruption from individuals within the government without consequence.
View this weeks “On Watch” here: http://jwatch.us/FqvMHs