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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!




Top Stories

Judicial Watch Statement Regarding Senate Confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch — “Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation is a great victory for constitutional government. We expect that Judge Gorsuch will continue Justice Scalia’s legacy and become a leading voice against politicized decision-making”…

Obamacare Watch: Judicial Watch Sues IRS and HHS for Records of Sharing of Taxpayers’ Private Information — “Judicial Watch announced that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Health and Human Services”…

Feds, Wildlife Groups Use Bogus Endangered Species Science to Block Border Fence — “Wildlife conservation groups are collaborating with a federal government agency to halt construction of the southern border wall by fudging science to claim that unimpeded trans-border corridors are”…

Judicial Watch Obtains Copies of 204 ICE Illegal Alien ‘Detainer Requests’ Denied by Travis County, Texas Sheriff — “Judicial Watch today announced that it obtained 204 illegal alien Detainer Requests denied to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) by the Travis County, Texas, Sheriff’”…

Judicial Watch Obtains 695 Pages of Obama IRS Scandal Documents – Records Not Produced in Initial Congressional Investigation — “The documents were produced after a revelation by the IRS that it had located “an additional 6,924 documents of potentially responsive records”…

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Must Read

Climate Collusion — ““It was more of a political document than a scientific document,” Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, told me. “People need to know how the [climate] alarmists have taken over agencies like NOAA and NASA. This is about trying to get the truth out.” Judicial Watch also filed a separate lawsuit against NOAA in 2015 attempting to get the datasets used in Karl’s paper.”…

Harming National Security — “Utilizing talking points put together and given her by Obama aide Ben Rhodes, she took to the Sunday talk show circuit, appearing before every camera she could find to declare the filmmaker the villain while insisting that the White House and Mrs. Clinton were blameless. It wasn’t until Judicial Watch went to court to get copies of the Rhodes emails ordering her to lie to protect her bosses that the public began to appreciate her talent for telling whoppers.”…

Slow Walked — “The nonprofit government watchdog group Judicial Watch successfully sued for the full release of the emails in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit. Many Americans might be surprised to learn so many Clinton emails are not yet public — a mountain of them are still being slowly reviewed by officials at the State Department, FBI and other federal agencies.”…

Must Watch

News Soundbite: Tom Fitton on Neil Gorsuch Confirmation

Tom Fitton Gives Updates on Susan Rice, the IRS Scandal, & Sanctuary Cities

Mike Bekesha on Immunity for Michael Flynn

Fitton: “Susan Rice should testify before grand jury.”

OAN: Chaffetz Vows to Continue Pursuit of Obama-era Corruption



Judicial Watch Petitions Supreme Court on Behalf of Massachusetts Teacher Fired for Conservative Social…

Press Releases | September 26, 2024
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Supreme Court challenging the decision by the U.S. Court of...

'Rights and Freedoms in Peril, an Investigative Report on the Left's Attack on America'…

Press Releases | September 24, 2024
“When it comes to fighting for the American people’s ‘right to know,’ no one holds a candle to Tom Fitton and his team at Judicial Watch” —Sean Hannity RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS IN PERI...

Gripes of Trans Using Women’s Bathroom, Winning Girls’ Sports Title Considered for Hate Speech…

Corruption Chronicles | September 24, 2024
The Facebook (now Meta) censorship board stacked with leftists, many with deep connections to leftwing billionaire George Soros, is considering if social media posts complaining ab...