Billions In Recovery Bill For Fraud-Infested ACORN
A radical leftist “community group” known for its fraudulent voter registration drives will get billions of taxpayer dollars under the Democrats’ massive spending bill, approved last week by the House Appropriations Committee.
Scheduled for a full U.S. House of Representatives vote this week, President Barack Obama’s controversial trillion-dollar economic recovery package was supposed to focus on creating jobs and immediate tax relief to stimulate the ailing economy.
Instead the monstrous spending bill will fund dozens of new government programs, contraceptives, colleges and universities with billion-dollar endowments and leftwing groups like the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), for years under perpetual federal investigation.
Already largely funded with U.S. tax dollars, Chicago-based ACORN will get a big chunk of $4.19 billion allocated for “neighborhood stabilization activities” under the proposed stimulus package. Incredibly, groups like ACORN are not eligible to receive public funds for that purpose because only state and local governments meet the requirements under a 2008 law.
In an effort to block the more outrageous provisions of the spending bill, House Republican Leader John Boehner has made this alarming information public. His congressional web site provides all sorts of figures like the tens of millions of tax dollars—not including millions more in federal grants—that ACORN has received through the years, despite its well-documented history of fraud.
The group, which has close ties to Obama, is actually well known for its fraudulent national voter registration drives and has been federally investigated for forging applications in key battleground states. During the 2008 presidential election, ACORN got busted for submitting falsified voter registration forms in Nevada, New Mexico and Florida to name a few.
In past elections the group, which admits hiring convicted felons and “lazy crack heads” as canvassers, has falsified information to register new voters across the country—including Milwaukee, Missouri, Ohio, North Carolina and Colorado. In 2007 ACORN settled the largest case of voter fraud in the history of Washington State after seven workers were caught submitting about 2,000 fake registration forms.
Considering the facts, it’s not unreasonable for Americans to be outraged that their tax dollars fund this sort of fraud-infested community group and that a crucial plan to stimulate the hurting economy will give it billions more.