The Supreme Court Term: No Big Blockbusters, but Plenty of Work
Almost on cue, the court granted a hearing to a case that challenges whether Wisconsin Republicans, after seizing power in 2010, went too far in using computer models to redraw legislative districts and lock in power for themselves. The case stems from a ruling in which a lower court ruled the GOP created unfair districts in which Democrats couldn’t compete; if the high court concurs, it could send shock waves nationwide and upend Republican dominance of Congress and state legislatures.
The decision to hear the case resulted in rare praise from the political right and left.
“Leftists want the courts to overturn district lines if not enough Democrats win,” said Tom Fitton, president of the conservative nonprofit Judicial Watch. “We’re happy that the Supreme Court will now have a chance to rule that Democrats – or any political party – will not have a constitutional right to win elections.”