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 For Immediate Release
Nov 1, 1998 Contact: Press Office

Judicial Watch calls on Jones team to return Hircshfeld money

Gift is illegal under U.S. Criminal Code

If Necessary, Judicial Watch Will Go To Judge Wright to Block Payment

Yesterday, real estate financier Abe Hirschfeld made a conditional gift of 1 million dollars to Paula Jones, to be held in trust, pending completion of a settlement in the Jones v. Clinton lawsuit.

The gift is illegal under 5 U.S.C. 7543 and relevant federal regulations, since the President, who will benefit from this, can neither solicit nor accept nor benefit from money provided by outside sources. Mr. Hirschfeld, who has tax difficulties, obviously wants to purchase influence with his gift.

As demonstrated during the campaign finance hearings, the President has shown himself to be suseptible to influence peddling from large domestic and foreign donors.

If President Clinton wishes to put the Jones case behind him, he can borrow money at market rates from a bank and pay Ms. Jones himself. He can get the credit, as he will be a millionaire many times over once he leaves office, when he will then legally benefit from book deals, speaking engagements and other honoraria.

If Ms. Jones does not return the money from Mr. Hirschfeld, Judicial Watch will this week seek to intervene in the Little Rock court and argue that any settlement using Mr. Hirschfeld's funds is illegal and void.

"We are not against a settlement. It just must be done legally and not in a way that allows the President to again be bought by influence peddlers," stated Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman.

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