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 For Immediate Release
Nov 10, 1998 Contact: Press Office

Judicial Watch asks Hyde to clarify scope of impeachment

Sends Letter Asking If Filegate, Chinagate and Other Serious Matters To Be Included

American People Deserve To Know If Congress Will Hold Clinton Accountable For All His Illegal Actions

Judicial Watch today sent a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Henry Hyde asking him to clarify the scope of his impeachment inquiry. The letter asks Hyde to tell the American people once and for all if Clinton's other crimes related to Chinagate, Filegate, IRS-Gate, and Trustgate will be considered as the Judiciary Committee proceeds with impeachment. Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman also offered Chairman Hyde his testimony and any other appropriate Judicial Watch assistance.

"We've been getting mixed signals. Chairman Hyde accepted the Judicial Watch Interim Report, and its nearly 4,000 pages of supporting evidence over a month ago -- but we don't have any indication whether he and his staff are seriously examining the evidence presented in the Interim Report on Chinagate, Filegate, IRS-Gate, and Trustgate," said Klayman.

"Frankly, if Congress chooses to ignore the evidence and looks the other way, it will effectively become complicit in the Clinton scandals," noted Klayman. "Does Congress really want to send the signal that the President's accepting bribes in exchange for government services, as we uncovered he and his agents did with respect to Commerce Department trade missions, is not an impeachable offense? Does Congress want to pretend that misusing FBI and other government files for intimidation is not worthy of impeachment?"

"Congressman Hyde shouldn't be embarrassed about impeaching President Clinton. Hyde and other honorable members of Congress should stand up for the rights of the victims of Filegate and IRS-Gate and should reaffirm that Presidential bribery and violations of privacy rights are not acceptable," concluded Klayman.

Both a copy of today's letter to Hyde and the Judicial Watch Interim Report will be available on the Internet at The letter is also being simultaneously faxed to certain press organizations.

Read the letter to Henry Hyde by clicking here.

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