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 For Immediate Release
Jan 25, 1998 Contact: Press Office

As in campaign finance scandal, Republicans poised to abdicate responsibility over Clinton sex scandal

Judicial Watch Chairman Says Its "Time For Republican Political Games To Stop"

Today, following the appearance of "leading" Republicans on the Sunday talk shows, where Senators Trent Lott and Arlen Specter, and Representative Henry Hyde effectively conceded that their Party wants Bill Clinton to continue in office as a weakened President-- for political purposes-- Larry Klayman, Chairman of Judicial Watch, the group that has exposed numerous scandals in the last several years, issued the following statement:

"Having cut and run from investigating the campaign finance scandal because Republicans, such as Arlen Specter were involved as well (i.e., the Teamsters election), Republicans now are abdicating their responsibility in the latest Clinton scandal-- which is perhaps the final straw in a five year history of illegality, decent and deception in the White House. To sit on the sidelines, and to take no action at this time for political purposes, Republicans are playing dangerously with the lives of Americans as we face a crippled President and the likelihood of military action in the Persion Gulf. It is time for Republicans to stop playing games, and to start being the opposition party. Bill Clinton must be removed as President as soon as possible for the good of the nation even if Republicans are fearful of installing Al Gore as President prior to the election in 2000."

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