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Aug 17, 1998
Contact: Press Office

'Love of Country' means never having to say 'you're sorry'

Top ten reasons why a Clinton apology is not enough

In the last few days, some politicians and pundits have "magnanimously" offered to pardon Bill Clinton if he just confesses. While this gesture may be good to win votes among the ambivalent segments of society, "sorry" is not good enough to restore ethics and respect for the law to this country. Without this, the nation will not exist long into the next century, as Lady Margaret Thatcher recently warned.

Here are the "top ten" reasons why an apology is not sufficient:

1. CHINAGATE -- The sale of taxpayer financed services, such as seats on trade missions, in exchange for campaign contributions. Notwithstanding this bribery, national security interests were compromised at the Clinton Commerce Department. This scandal began when Judicial Watch found and deposed John Huang, and is currently being largely covered up by a conflicted Justice Department.

2. FILEGATE -- Judicial Watch is prosecuting civilly, and Judge Starr is criminally investigating, the wholesale breach of privacy rights by the Clinton Administration. Just yesterday, former White House Chief of Staff Mack McLarty testified that he knew nothing about "Filegate," despite the uncontrovertible fact that it occurred when he ran the White House.

3. TRAVELGATE -- The scandal which gave rise to Filegate, also occurred on McLarty's watch. It involves the misuse of the FBI and Justice Department to prosecute innocent people in the White House Travel Office, who were fired to make way for the hire of Clintons' friends, the Thomasons.

4. RENOGATE -- The coverup of the campaign finance scandal by an Attorney General who obviously cut a deal with the White House when reappointed to never name an independent counsel to investigate her own political party's fundraising and national security breaches.

5. MISUSE OF IRS -- The systematic misuse of the Internal Revenue Service to harass and harm perceived adversaries of the Clinton Administration.

6. HUBBELGATE -- The wholesale use of hush money and other incentives by the Clinton Administration and its allies to keep material witnesses from testifying.

7. WHITEWATER -- The defrauding of savings and loan institutions to benefit the Clintons.

8. HEALTH CARE TASKFORCEGATE -- The submission of false statements to a court to avoid scrutiny of Hillary Clinton's health care task force.

9. MONICAGATE -- Further lying and subordination of perjury and obstruction of justice.

10. LEGAL DEFENSE FUND -- The Clintons' latest legal defense fund is a violation of federal anti-gratuity statutes and at odds with an opinion from the Office of Government Ethics. Judicial Watch will pursue appropriate legal remedies against this entity.

For all of these reasons, justice must be done. An apology is not good enough.

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