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Oct 22, 1998
Contact: Press Office

Latest White House effort to obstruct impeachment process thwarted

Judicial Watch urges 'full-speed ahead' with broad-based inquiry based on Judicial Watch Interim Report

Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman today said he was encouraged by the House Judiciary Committee's rejection of the Clinton White House's latest attempt to improperly limit the scope of the committee's impeachment investigation. The Judiciary Committee will proceed with a broad-based inquiry, not ruling out any other information including the Judicial Watch Interim Report that could lead to additional charges of impeachable offenses against President Clinton.

"The Clinton White House legal team is engaged in a cynical, political exercise designed to limit the investigation of the President to issues related to the Lewinsky affair, rather than focusing on serious matters such as 'Filegate,'" Klayman said. "The White House desperately needs to narrow the scope of the inquiry to support the 'it's just about sex' spin.

"Well, it's not 'just about sex,' as Judicial Watch has proven with its Interim Report," Klayman added. "The House of Representatives approved a resolution calling for a broad-based inquiry to examine any and all evidence of impeachable offenses committed by the President. The American people have every right to expect the Judiciary Committee to follow the parameters set forth in that resolution. Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde said he'd accept any serious evidence delivered 'under the door or over the transom' -- we brought that evidence to him, right through the front door. The Judicial Watch Interim Report provides the Judiciary Committee with substantial and credible evidence of impeachable offenses in the 'Filegate,' 'Chinagate,' 'IRS-gate,' and 'Trustgate' scandals all of which are far more serious than the Lewinsky allegations."

The Judicial Watch Interim report was formally presented to Congress on September 28, 1998 and was entered into the official record of the House Judiciary Committee's impeachment hearings by Rep. Bob Barr. The Judicial Watch Interim Report is available on the Internet at

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