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 For Immediate Release
Feb 11, 1999 Contact: Press Office

Recognizing "Sham" Trial Caused By His Republican Colleagues, Arlen Specter to Vote to Acquit -- Barr Complains That Impeachment Inquiry Kept Too Narrow To Succeed


Yesterday, Arlen Specter and two other Republican Senators stated their intention to vote to acquit Clinton in the impeachment trial. Specter gave as his reason that the House Managers had not been able to present enough evidence, because the Senate had limited them to only 3 witnesses. On "Rivera Live," Bob Barr, one of the House Managers, complained that his colleagues had kept the inquiry too narrow by not including Chinagate, Filegate, and the other Clinton scandals. To his credit, Barr had urged consideration of Judicial Watch's Interim Report by both the House and the Senate. However, an inquiry limited only to "sex, lies and videotapes," was always destined to fail.

"Bob Barr stands as the one Congressman with enough integrity and guts to speak the truth. He tried his best, but his colleagues shot him and other conservatives down. Now, Arlen Specter looks for a convenient excuse not to convict, claiming that his Republican Party conducted a sham trial. For once, I agree in part with Arlen Specter, but I disagree with his vote to acquit," stated Larry Klayman, Chairman of Judicial Watch. "There is enough publicly available information, including Judicial Watch's Interim Report and the Starr Report, to find the President guilty even given the Senate's sham trial. Regrettably, in their haste to end the case, Republicans handed excuses to those who do not want to hold this President accountable," added Larry Klayman.

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