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 For Immediate Release
May 25, 1999 Contact: Press Office


(Washington, May 25) Judicial Watch's Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman issued the following statement in response to reports that John Huang, as part of a deal with Clinton/Reno Justice Department, will serve no time in jail:

"The reported deal with Huang is a miscarriage of justice. Judicial Watch deposed Huang in 1996 and again last month. The evidence overwhelmingly indicates Huang committed perjury in his 1996 deposition. And then he asserted his Fifth Amendment privilege over 1,000 times just last month. Huang, an admitted friend of the President and Mrs. Clinton, has been credibly accused of passing classified information to the Chinese, laundering millions of dollars for the Chinese government into the Clinton fundraising apparatus, and a host of other crimes. Clearly, Huang deserves more than a slap of the wrist. Reno, through this sweetheart deal with Huang, is protecting her patron Clinton. It is outrageous. It is clear that the Reno Justice Department leaked news of Huang's plea bargain to try to create the appearance of doing something. Nevertheless, Huang can no longer plead the Fifth and must now answer Judicial Watch's questions about his involvement in Chinagate."

Huang was uncovered and deposed by Judicial Watch in its Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Clinton Commerce Department relating to its sale of trade mission seats in exchange for campaign contributions.

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