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For Immediate Release |
Aug 16, 1999 |
Contact: Press Office 202-646-5172
"Based on all of the available evidence, it appears there is a widespread conspiracy orchestrated by the Clinton Administration to prevent justice in the Chinagate scandals." - Larry Klayman, Chairman of Judicial Watch
Johnny Chung and Judicial Watch to Score 1-2 Punch
(Washington, August 16) Following appearances before Judicial Watch and the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, Johnny Chung is slated to give an interview this evening on Fox News Channel's The O'Reilly Factor (8:00 p.m. Eastern) in which he will finger Democratic Congressman Henry Waxman in an apparent scheme to obstruct justice.
Following The O'Reilly Factor, Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman will appear on Hannity and Colmes with video of John Huang and Johnny Chung's sworn deposition testimony showing additional occurrences of obstruction of justice, this time by President Clinton and his Justice Department.
"Based on all of the available evidence, it appears there is a widespread conspiracy orchestrated by the Clinton Administration to prevent justice in the Chinagate scandals," said Klayman.
Judicial Watch's seven lawsuits concerning Chinagate - including a recently filed complaint against Loral Space and Communications Corporation and John Huang, among others- are designed to obtain justice in the civil courts since the criminal justice system has failed (see www.JudicialWatch.org). Judicial Watch will do in Chinagate what Dan Petrocelli did in the OJ Simpson case.
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