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 For Immediate Release
Sep 2, 1999 Contact: Press Office


(Washington, September 2) Today Judicial Watch, the non-partisan legal watchdog group, launched its own investigation into the clemency offered to the 16 members of the Puerto Rican terrorist group FALN by President Bill Clinton. In its FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) filing, Judicial Watch seeks to discover the truth behind this political and outrageous act.

Judicial Watch is aware of Congressman Dan Burton's (R-Ind), Chairman of the House Government Reform Committee, effort to subpoena information from Attorney General Janet Reno and the prisons bureau but fears his efforts will fall short. "Congress has proven itself incapable of properly, fully and aggressively investigating the Clinton Administration, especially Janet Reno" stated Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch General Counsel. He continued, "We've seen it with Chinagate, Filegate and a myriad of other abuses that have gone largely unpunished."

"Once again, it appears the President is more interested in political expediency than what's in the best interest and safety of the American people," said Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch President. Judicial Watch is dedicated to uncovering and fighting corruption in government.

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