Printed from Jan 12, 1999 |
Contact: Press Office 202-646-5172 |
Smear Operation Works Closely With White House And Is Part of "Vast Left Wing Coverup" With Latest Attacks on Bob Barr by Flynt, Rivera and Dershowitz, Show Has Again Gone Over The Line And Runs Counter to NBC's, CNBC's, and MSNBC's Otherwise Excellent Programming and Ethics Yesterday, true to form, Geraldo Rivera continued his White House-orchestrated campaign against conservatives and others who dare to question the corruption in this Administration. Flanked by Alan Dershowitz and Reverend Jerry Falwell, Rivera disingenuously allowed Larry Flynt, a close friend of James Carville -- head of the White House smear machine -- to slander Representative Bob Barr. If this was not enough, the one-two punch was delivered by Alan Dershowitz, the self styled defender of the radical, extreme left, who again branded Barr a "racist." In her deposition in Judicial Watch's Filegate lawsuit, Linda Tripp recently testified about The White House smear machine, and her knowledge of who is responsible. According to Tripp, it was being orchestrated, in part, out of the White House Counsel's office, the very same lawyers who are defending Clinton in the impeachment trial. Interestingly, following the display yesterday evening on "Rivera," Lanny Davis, the former Special White House Counsel who continues to participate in the Clinton smear machine, also appeared, and disingenuously claimed not to approve of Flynt's tactics. "No self respecting conservative, or for that matter anyone who believes in decency, morality and justice, should appear on "Rivera Live," until Geraldo Rivera issues an apology and cuts his ties to The White House. In its current state, the show is an absolute disgrace, and any conservative who continues to appear on it lacks self-respect," stated Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman."In the past, I appeared on Rivera, but have since been boycotted thanks to my criticism of Rivera in Judicial Watch's Interim Impeachment Report and likely White House intervention. However, I will no longer appear on it even if invited," added Klayman. |