Printed from Feb 3, 1999 |
Contact: Press Office 202-646-5172 |
Extent of White House Smear Operation Should Be Probed By Investigators In addition to any possible role he played in portraying Monica Lewinsky as a "stalker" to the media, House prosecutors and other investigators should probe possible links between Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal and James Carville, Larry Flynt, and other White House allies smearing investigators, witnesses, and perceived Clinton adversaries. "The White House smear operation should be thoroughly investigated by House prosecutors," said Larry Klayman, General Counsel and Chairman of Judicial Watch. "Is Sidney Blumenthal in contact with the President's private detectives? Is Mr. Blumenthal disseminating information from government files on perceived Clinton adversaries?" Pursuant to a subpoena, James Carville produced to Judicial Watch a file he was keeping on Kathleen Willey - the woman who has accused Bill Clinton of an improper sexual advance in the Oval Office. In Carville's Willey file was a document with fax markings indicating that it came from Sidney Blumenthal. The markings indicate the document was faxed to Carville on July 31, 1997. The document was produced by Carville, along with nearly 15,000 other pages and telephone conversation audio tapes Carville created and kept on adversaries. "Did Mr. Blumenthal help Mr. Carville develop information on Kathleen Willey? Did this type of activity continue after Mr. Blumenthal arrived at the White House?" asked Klayman. Carville testified in his Judicial Watch Filegate video deposition that he did have contact with Mr. Blumenthal at the White House. Carville also testified that President Clinton consulted with him prior to the White House release of letters from Kathleen Willey to the media in an attempt to discredit her as a witness. The release of the Willey letters was a violation of the Privacy Act. The full text of the Carville deposition is available on the Judicial Watch Internet site at "Mr. Blumenthal likely knows more than just about Monica Lewinsky. He could be a window into the Clinton White House smear operation. We hope the House prosecutors ask him the right questions," concluded Klayman. |