Printed from
Mar 16, 1999
Contact: Press Office

Europeans have "guts" to do what majority of Americans will not

Corrupt European Commission Members Forced to Resign


(Washington, D.C., March 16) Yesterday, the members of the Commission of the European Union, who were found to have engaged in the hiring of friends and relatives, and other misconduct, were forced to resign. The members of the European Commission, which included its President, Jacques Santer of Belgium, did what President Clinton refused to do. Ironically, the firing of The White House Travel Office, in order to hire the friends of the Clintons, Harry and Susan Bloodworth Thomason, evoked no such response by the majority of the American populace. Nor have the myriad of other Clinton scandals, including Chinagate, IRS-Gate, Filegate, Monica-gate. The European Commission is the body of the European Union -- the organization that governs Europe -- which implements the law, rules and regulations of the European Union.

"Americans have always believed that their ancestors left Europe, because of the tyranny and corruptness of its leaders. Now, the majority of Americans won't uphold the rule of law; while Europeans take steps to clean up similar nepotism and corruption in their system. It is indeed ironic that the European Commission members, who like the President of the United States are "chief law enforcement officers," now must resign for violating ethics and the law, but Bill Clinton continues in office, thanks to an American Congress who reads the polls of the majority of Americans. The political class of the United States should be ashamed. Hats off to the Europeans for trying to reinstill ethics into their system, through meaningful enforcement action," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

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