Printed from Apr 19, 1999 |
Contact: Press Office 202-646-5172 |
Kearney Believed To Help Select Trade Mission Participants DNC Donors List Found in Kearney�s Files At Clinton Commerce Department Kearney Has Ties to Chinagate Figures Trie and Chung (Washington, April 19) Judicial Watch will continue the deposition of Jude Kearney, former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Service Industries and Finance at the Commerce Department, on Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 10:00 am. The deposition is part of the Judicial Watch FOIA case against the Clinton Commerce Department over the sale of trade mission seats in exchange for campaign contributions and comes on the heels of Judicial Watch�s deposition of Clinton fundraiser and former Commerce official John Huang. Ginger Lew, another close Huang confidante and colleague, will be deposed on Wednesday, April 21, 1999. Mr. Kearney was in charge of choosing participants on Clinton Commerce trade missions, including a Commerce-sponsored trade mission to China, which included key Chinagate figures such as Johnny Chung, Charlie Trie, and Loral�s Bernard Schwartz. Public reports indicate Kearney invited Trie and Chung on the China trade mission trip. A document of DNC contributors was found in the files of Mr. Kearney. Pursuant to Court order, this "smoking gun" document should have been produced to Judicial Watch, yet the Clinton Administration withheld the document until its existence was uncovered by Judicial Watch during a deposition of Kearney�s assistant (who was subsequently fired by the Clinton Commerce Department). The Court found that this document was "illegally withheld" by Clinton Commerce Department officials. |