Printed from May 25, 1999 |
Contact: Press Office 202-646-5172 |
CONGRESS ABDICATES RESPONSIBILITY Does Not Recommend Enforcement Against Those Companies and Individuals That Breached National Security Interests (May 25, 1999. Washington, D.C.) -- Today, as Congress releases its much anticipated Cox Report on the breach of U.S. national security and China, observers should keep a jaundiced eye. In the spirit of "bi-partisanship," a phrase liberal interests love, as it connotes that conservatives simply roll over, the Cox Report not only fails to probe the linkage between campaign contributions and the sell-out of America's national security interests, it fails to recommend that any of the violators be prosecuted. Indeed, Congressman Cox has now become the darling of the liberal media, with "fluff pieces" appearing today in newspapers around the country. Congressman Cox and his Committee did not take the necessary "tough road" in their Report, which has unanimous Democrat approval. "While the Cox Report advances the discussion about Chinese espionage, it falls short of taking the strong action necessary to prevent future abuses. Indeed, Judicial Watch advocated that it be released in time for the impeachment proceedings last year, as Chinagate clearly was far more important than the sexual proclivities of Monica Lewinsky. Republicans (except for Bob Barr) ignored Judicial Watch's call and its Interim Report on Chinagate, Filegate and much more serious Clinton Administration illegalities, and played political games with the Lewinsky scandal. The Cox Report is too little too late. It is up to the courts to bring justice to the perpetrators of bribery and breaches of national security; Congress has abdicated its responsibility," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman and President Tom Fitton. |