Printed from Jun 18, 1999 |
Contact: Press Office 202-646-5172 |
But Gore Fundraising Will Highlight Scandal (Washington, June 18) Judicial Watch predicted that the Cox Report was about as far as Congress would go in scrutinizing the Chinagate scandal, because big donors from both political parties were involved in the wholesale bribery of the Clinton-Gore Administration, which was the quid pro quo for its turning a blind eye to Chinese espionage and the transfer of high technology to the Communist Chinese. Recent weeks have proven the point, as nary a word has been uttered from Congress about the biggest scandal in American history. "However, the Clinton-Gore Administration is not off the hook on this. With our Chinagate Task Force, and the scrutiny of some media, the issue will not go away -- despite the inaction of Congress and the Clinton Justice Department," stated Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman. "As we enter the election season, and as Al Gore brags about his ready access to cash through his coterie of Chinagate-tainted fundraisers, the scandal will take on greater and greater significance," added Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "Many of the same fundraisers who laundered Chinese money in 1996, are now running the Gore campaign," they both stated. Indeed, in a recent deposition of Johnny Chung in Judicial Watch's Chinagate lawsuit against the Clinton-Gore Commerce Department, he revealed that Vice President Gore had recently invited him to a fundraiser in Los Angeles. Judicial Watch has obtained a copy of this solicitation, which speaks for itself. Not only that, Harold Ickes, Hillary Clinton's de facto campaign manager for her New York Senate bid, was intimately involved in Chinagate, as was Mrs. Clinton herself, based on the uncontroverted testimony of Democrat Nolanda Hill -- the close confidant of Ron Brown -- in Judicial Watch's cases. Despite entreaties by the Court to have The White House submit evidence to refute this, Ms. Hill's testimony has never been contradicted. See "The Chingate scandal will not go away, but will continue to grown in public significance. The shameless reemergence of those who committed crimes in 1996, to raise money for Gore and Hillary Clinton in 2000, shows how far we have come as a nation which has lost its moral, ethical and legal compass. Judicial Watch will not rest until justice is done," added Klayman and Fitton. |