Printed from
Aug 26, 1999
Contact: Press Office


Burton Fails to Certify Judicial Watch Ethics Complaint Against Waxman

Cox Says Chinagate is an Issue for 2000 Elections

"It is time for the Republicans to stop playing political games... There is truly a bipartisan coverup underway, and the country's interests are being sold out by both political parties" -Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch President

(Washington, August 26) Confirming most American's fears, Notra Trulock confirmed yesterday on Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes" that the Clinton Energy Department has covered up the espionage investigation at Los Alamos to protect high level Clinton Administration appointees, including National Security Advisor Sandy Berger. He also confirmed that the so-called Rudman Report, chaired by Republican Warren Rudman, is a "whitewash."

Judicial Watch is suing Berger for alleged involvement in the illegal transfer of missile and satellite technology to the Chinese and has filed an ethics complaint against Congressman Henry Waxman for having obstructed congressional investigations of Chinagate. Judicial Watch tested Chairman Dan Burton's commitment to ending this kind of obstruction by asking him to personally certify the ethics complaint against Waxman and other Democrats, as required under House Rules. Burton has thus far failed to act, indicating that he and many of the leaders of the Republican party, continue to use Chinagate solely for political purposes, instead of working to obtain justice for the treasonous acts which have been committed. Even Congressman Christopher Cox, author of the bi-partisan Cox Report, has boasted how the Chinagate scandal will be used to influence the 2000 elections.

"It is time for the Republicans to stop playing political games. Conservatives and others concerned about the wholesale breach of national security will not be fooled. There is truly a bipartisan coverup underway, and the country's interests are being sold out by both political parties," stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "What we have here is a national disgrace that is doing grave damage to the country," added Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman.

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