Printed from Aug 26, 1999 |
Contact: Press Office 202-646-5172 |
Also Files Lawsuit Against Reno Over Document Stonewall Ethics Group Calls for State, Federal Criminal Investigations Into Justice Department/FBI Activities In Waco (Washington, August 26) Responding today to the Reno Justice Department's belated admission that it used pyrotechnic devices at Waco, Judicial Watch called today on Texas Governor George W. Bush to institute a state criminal investigation against Janet Reno and others for the wrongful deaths of those who died in the Waco inferno in 1993. In addition, Judicial Watch is filing a FOIA lawsuit today against Reno's Justice Department over its continued refusal to respond to a request for documents concerning Waco. Judicial Watch also demanded today a federal criminal investigation by a special counsel into the evidence that Janet Reno and others lied to Congress about the use of the pyrotechnic devices and other matters related to Waco, such as any role the U.S. Army's Delta Force played in the holocaust. "For years, Jane Reno has escaped serious scrutiny for her decisions that lead to the deaths of over 80 civilians, many of whom were women and children. Now it looks as if she and others in the Clinton Administration lied about material facts about Waco to Congress," stated Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman. "Justice demands that state and federal criminal investigations be commenced immediately." |