Printed from Dec 3, 1999 |
Contact: Press Office 202-646-5172 |
SCHEDULED GUESTS INCLUDE WND EDITOR JOSEPH FARAH, COLUMNIST NAT HENTOFF AND AUTHOR & ORTHODOX RABBI DANIEL LAPIN (Washington, D.C.) On this week's broadcast of The Judicial Watch Report, Larry Klayman & Tom Fitton will have as their guests Editor Joseph Farah, columnist Nat Hentoff of the Village Voice and The Washington Post and Orthodox Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Author of America's Real War. Every week The Judicial Watch Report presents a fresh, balanced and non-partisan perspective of the goings-on inside the beltway, as it brings the American people the real news for two hours every weekend. Please encourage your local talk station to carry the show by writing or calling them. A complete listing of affiliate radio stations and an archive of past broadcasts of The Judicial Watch Report are available on our website: The show is broadcast live and streamed live on the web, Saturday's from 12noon-2pm (EST). You call in with your questions and comments for Larry and Tom by dialing 1-800-510-8255. |