Printed from
Dec 13, 1999
Contact: Press Office


Larry Klayman And Presidential Candidate Howard Phillips Travel To Panama For The Turnover Ceremony

Conservative Delegation Will Join Only Remaining U.S. Emissary, Jimmy Carter, at Ceremony

(President Clinton and Secretary Albright Politically Afraid to Appear)

(Washington, D.C.) Tuesday December 14th, the Panama Canal which was built, paid for and maintained by the U.S. for the benefit of all nations of the world, will be ceremoniously transferred to Panama (December 31, 1999 is the actual transfer date). In turn, the Government of Panama has already ceded operative authority to the canal to a Communist Chinese front company, Hutchison-Whompoa. Hutchison-Whompoa will control both the Pacific and Atlantic lead locks. Thus far, unknown or ignored by most Americans is the fact that the entire canal is now maintained and overseen by Panama Ports Company, which is a subsidiary of Hutchinson-Whompoa.

"The sole authority of this Communist Chinese - run company over one of the largest trade choke-points in the world is frightening" stated Larry Klayman, Chairman of Judicial Watch "The Communist Chinese now have a knife to the throats of world commerce, U.S. military troop and battleship movement, the United States, and the Panamanian people."

While in Panama City, Klayman, his team of experts and Phillips will meet with several pro-American groups and Panamanian government officials. Back in Washington, Judicial Watch's team of lawyers will be taking every possible step before December 31, 1999, the actual transfer date, to see that the Communist Chinese are not left in control of the canal.

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