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 For Immediate Release
May 8, 2000 Contact: Press Office


Judicial Watch Lawsuit Against Loral, Schwartz, Clintons, DCCC, Gore, Huang And Others For RICO Much More Serious

(Washington, D.C.) Proving that there really is a liberal media bias, while the lawsuit of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ("DCCC") against Representative Tom Delay has received widespread coverage over the last few days, Judicial Watch's case on behalf of the shareholders of Loral Corporation against Bernard Schwartz, the Clintons, Al Gore, the Democratic Party, and others, which the DCCC essentially copied as to form, received little attention.

Judicial Watch brought this derivative action under the allegedly illegal scheme, conjured up by the Clintons, Al Gore, and the Democratic Party, to not only sell seats on Department of Commerce trade missions but also export licenses to transfer high technology to the Communist Chinese and others. By the accounts of the Pentagon and State Department, this harmed U.S. national security.

Judicial Watch's lawsuit was filed in November of 1998, yet received scant attention from the liberal media. It continues in the courts and represents a potent cause of action to redress the sellout of U.S. national security interests for campaign contributions. Ironically, the lawsuit will also touch Republicans, since some of the companies involved in the sellout gave more heavily to the Republicans than did the Democrats – such as Hughes Corporation, which committed similar actions as Loral. This explains Republican reticence in seeking prosecutions against the companies.

"When an ‘establishment entity' takes action, it gets coverage; when the American people take action, it is dismissed as less significant. With other recent cowardice by the Republican Party over Janet Reno's conduct in the Elian Gonzalez affair, and with the continuing criminality of the Clinton-Gore Administration, it should now be apparent that the torch has been passed to the American people to legally take action to restore ethics, morality, and rule of law to our country. The American people should forget about the political candidates – since most of them are virtual frauds – and, like the ‘Boston Tea Party' in 1773, take matters into their own legal hands. Two hundred twenty-seven years later, the American people must use the courts to wage a "Second American Revolution."stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman and President Thomas Fitton.

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