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 For Immediate Release
May 13, 2000 Contact: Press Office

The Judicial Watch Report Radio Show

Dr. James Dobson Reveals Source of Our Nation's Moral Decline SAVING ELIAN: Donato Dalrymple Discusses Spiritual Experience

Klayman to Speak at Armed Informed Mothers' March Tomorrow

(Washington, DC) On Saturday's edition of The Judicial Watch Report, hosts Larry Klayman and Tom Fitton were joined by special guests, Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family, Donato Dalrymple, Elian Gonzalez' "savior from the sea," Miami lawyer Jack Thompson, Matt Glavin of the Southeastern Legal Foundation and John Bender, an organizer of the Armed Informed Mothers' March. Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman will speak to the group tomorrow.

In the first hour, Donato Dalrymple, discussed his life-changing fishing trip. "It was really cold out there on the water that was raining...Elian had been in the water for God knows how long. I opened up my shirt and I began to put him close to my body to keep him warm, and this little boy looked like an angel, like a fresh flower coming out of the water." Mr. Dalrymple is a true American hero.

In the second hour, Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family, discussed our nation's rapid moral decline and Governor George W. Bush's waffling conservatism. "Rudy Giuliani can have an affair with a series of women--while he's married–and everyone yawns," said Dobson. "That is what Bill Clinton has done to the morals of this country and it's just so distressing to see how this nation has deteriorated morally during the seven years he has been in office." Dobson also expressed concerns that Governor Bush is sending wrong signals to the nation. "It bothers me that Bush was willing to meet with not just homosexuals, I can understand that, but with homosexual activists who are dedicated to everything contrary to what those of us in the conservative-Christian movement believe...and then come out saying he's a better man for having gone through this. Then the Family Research Council and a number of organizations tried to get equal time and he said he ‘wouldn't do that.'" He also warned Bush not to choose a pro-choice running mate, otherwise he would risk certain defeat. The Judicial Watch Report was also joined by Matt Glavin, President of the Southeastern Legal Foundation and John Bender, organizer of the Armed Informed Mothers March.

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