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 For Immediate Release
Jul 1, 2000 Contact: Press Office

The Judicial Watch Report Radio Show

July 4th-A Time for Shame

Little Elian's Return to Communist Cuba Delivers Blow to the Foundation of Liberty

(Washington, D.C.)On this July 4th weekend, darkness has moved across the country in the aftermath of Elian Gonzalez being sent back to Cuba and stripped of his liberties and freedoms. On today's special edition of The Judicial Watch Report, hosts Larry Klayman and Tom Fitton were joined by Judicial Watch clients and victims of the illegal INS raid in Miami, Donato Dalrymple, Sandy Cobas, Carlos Gonzalez and Maria Rodriguez.

Host Larry Klayman, whose relatives escaped persecution and communism in the Soviet Union, commented on the extreme desecration of liberty and justice. "I want everybody out there to think-this July 4th-what it would be like if the U.S. government sent your ancestors back when they came to this country-when they fled communism." Klayman added, "We effectively denied Elian Gonzalez a 'stay of execution.' We sent him back to a murderous dictator. The courts and media have stuck their heads in the sand while the Clinton-Gore administration has trashed our liberty rights. This is a dark day in American history."

This episode of The Judicial Watch Report is archived on and will be rebroadcast on WWRC 570 AM in the DC area tomorrow, July 1, between 6:00-8:00 p.m. A list of affiliates is available at

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