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Feb 26, 2000
Contact: Press Office

The Judicial Watch Report

Rep. Tom Campbell: Is Clinton a War Criminal?

Arianna Huffington Wants to Overthrow the Government

Jane Chastain Questions Why Texas Gov. Bush Broke His Promise and Named a Highway After an Abortionist

Ray Briem: Walt Disney Was a Conservative

WASHINGTON, D.C.-On today's edition of the Judicial Watch Report, hosts Larry Klayman and Tom Fitton were joined by author and political commentator Arianna Huffington, Congressman Tom Campbell (R-CA) and conservative radio talk show hosts, Jane Chastain and Ray Briem.

In the first hour, Arianna Huffington discussed her new book, How to Overthrow the Government and special interests in American politics. "The [political] system is completely corrupt," Huffington said today. "The two parties have become largely have the corporate pro-choice party and corporate pro-life party and you're not really sure you have a choice. Policy is determined by big special interests." Then, California's "Voice of the Night," Ray Briem, confirmed reports that Walt Disney, whose corporation today is supporting liberal candidates such as Hillary Clinton, was a prominent conservative. "I met Walt...he was a rather well-known conservative," said Briem on The Judicial Watch Report. "It's far different now under [the current president of Disney].

In the second hour, Jane Chastain, host of What Washington Doesn't Want You to Know, criticized Governor George W. Bush for breaking his promise to Texas United for Life, and naming a highway after an abortionist. "If George W. Bush is so pro-life, why did he name a large portion of an interstate highway that runs through Texas after a notorious abortion doctor...John Coleman," Chastain said. "[The Bush Campaign] has offered three different reasons why this bill was signed into law. George Bush's excuses are Clintonesque." Also, Congressman Tom Campbell (R-CA) discussed his lawsuit against President Clinton, challenging the president's war power authority and his manipulation of the War Powers Act. "If you've got a righteous cause, if you believe we should put our troops in, well, you can convince the Congress," said Campbell. "But suppose you can't convince the Congress. Doesn't that tell you something about the righteousness of your cause?"

This episode of The Judicial Watch Report is archived on and will be rebroadcast on WWRC 570 AM in the DC area next Saturday, March 4, between 7 - 9:00a.m. A list of affiliates is available at

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