Printed from
Mar 13, 2000
Contact: Press Office



Neither Talked to Crucial Witnesses

(Washington, D.C.) Inexplicable and perhaps improper leaks of the upcoming Independent Counsel's report on Filegate confirm Judicial Watch's criticism of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, and new, but not seen, Independent Counsel Bob Ray. Judicial Watch, in the course of its investigations on behalf of those whose FBI files were misused, discovered that neither Ken Starr nor Bob Ray have interviewed or called before the grand jury key witnesses in the burgeoning Filegate scandal, including but not limited to Linda Tripp, who witnessed FBI file misuse; Thomas "Mack" McLarty, former White House Chief of Staff during Filegate; Terry Good, Director of the Office of Records Management, who stored Privacy Act materials, including FBI files, for the Clinton-Gore White House, and others.

During the House Judiciary Committee proceeding on impeachment, Ken Starr � in an apparent effort to appear "even handed" in the face of attacks by the Democrats and the leftist liberal media � stated that he had not found evidence of wrongdoing by the President in the Filegate scandal. At the time, Judicial Watch was aware that Starr had done little to nothing to investigate, and to the extent that he did, relied solely on the efforts of the FBI � which is part of the criminal conspiracy in Filegate. It is obvious that the FBI would not confirm or uncover evidence which would lead to its own indictment and prosecution, much as in the WACO and Ruby Ridge scandals. Indeed, the FBI harassed key witnesses in Filegate, including Judicial Watch client, former FBI Special Agent Dennis Sculimbrene � who wrote a memorandum implicating Hillary Clinton.

"The leaked Ray report is scandalous in and of itself. Since the FBI is a defendant in Judicial Watch's $90 million dollar class action lawsuit, and since the Ray report is based upon the FBI's so-called investigation, it is not worth the paper it is written upon, and is a total disgrace, if, indeed, its findings are as reported this morning in The New York Times. Judicial Watch's lawsuit will continue and the public interest watchdog will not rest until the perpetrators of this outrageous invasion of privacy are held accountable. The coverup by the FBI in conjunction with Bob Ray's report underscores why public interest groups such as Judicial Watch, representing the interests of the American people, not the Washington, D.C., political elite establishment, are necessary," stated Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman and President Tom Fitton.

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