Printed from
Apr 7, 2000
Contact: Press Office

The Judicial Watch Report

Sen. Bob Smith, Peggy Noonan, Chris Ruddy and Kathleen Janoski Featured

Sen. Smith (R-NH) to Discuss Attorney General Janet Reno's Game of Politics in the Fight for Elian Gonzales

Peggy Noonan to Discuss Her New Book, "The Case Against Hillary Clinton"

Kathleen Janoski and Chris Ruddy to Detail the Mysterious

(Washington, D.C.) Don't miss this week's edition of The Judicial Watch Report! This Saturday, April 8, hosts Larry Klayman and Tom Fitton will be joined by special guests, Senator Bob Smith (R-NH), Peggy Noonan, Chris Ruddy and Kathleen Janoski.

In the first hour,'s Investigative Reporter Chris Ruddy, along with former U.S. Air Force photographer, Kathleen Janoski , will discuss evidence that Commerce Secretary Ron Brown was fatally shot.

In the second hour, Senator Bob Smith (R-NH) will discuss Attorney General Janet Reno's politicization of the Elian Gonzales custody battle. This week, Judicial Watch filed suit against Reno for her failure to comply with FOIA requests into the Justice Department's dealings with Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro. Also, speech writer to former President Ronald Reagan and renowned author, Peggy Noonan, will join the Judicial Watch Report to discuss her new book, "The Case Against Hillary Clinton."

The Judicial Watch Report can be heard on stations across the country and Judicial Watch's website at from 12 noon EST to 2 p.m. on April 8, 2000. A list of affiliates is available at

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