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Jun 13, 2000
Contact: Press Office


Commissioner ‘Bud' Selig Refuses To Take Action

Orioles Spokesmen Admitted to Discriminatory Conduct by Club

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that Major League Baseball will not take any action in response to a request for an investigation into the Baltimore Orioles admitted practice of refusing to hire Cuban defectors. Baseball Commissioner Allan "Bud" Selig, in a letter dated June 9 to Judicial Watch, declined to take any action concerning the Orioles, citing an unspecified "administrative proceeding" as an excuse.

Pointing to Major League Baseball's actions against Marge Schott and John Rocker, Judicial Watch had asked Selig to investigate the Baltimore Orioles and its owner Peter Angelos after their spokesmen admitted that, at the direction of owner Peter Angelos, the Orioles had a policy of refusing to hire Cuban defectors. This admitted practice would be in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which prohibit this type of discriminatory conduct. (Judicial Watch is also pursuing a complaint against the Orioles and Angelos with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.)

"Selig's refusal to take any action concerning the Orioles and Angelos is morally bankrupt. It seems if you're a woman (Marge Schott) who makes inappropriate racial comments or a young man (John Rocker) who makes ‘politically incorrect' statements, Major League Baseball will come down on you like a ton of bricks. But if you're a politically influential, ‘good ol' boy' owner whose spokesmen have admitted to actual discriminatory conduct, Major League Baseball will give you a pass," stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a public interest legal group that investigates and prosecutes public corruption. Copies of Judicial Watch's letter to Mr. Selig and his response are available on the Judicial Watch Internet site at

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