Printed from
Aug 15, 2000
Contact: Press Office


Filegate Plaintiffs To Call Karl Heissner and Chip Sparks

Date: Tuesday, August 15
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: Courtroom 21, Federal Courthouse Third & Constitution Ave., NW
Judge: The Honorable Royce C. Lamberth
Lawsuit: Alexander, et al. vs. FBI, et al. (Filegate)

(Washington, D.C.) Today, Judicial Watch will call Karl Heissner, one of the Clinton-Gore White House supervisors who worked on "Project X," the mysterious coverup concerning the missing e-mails during this Administration. Mr. Heissner is the author of the infamous memo which stated: "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie."

In addition, Judicial Watch will call its client, Chip Sparks, who not only has information about the e-mail scandal, but has been repeatedly threatened and retaliated against by the Clinton-Gore White House, where he still works, for going public with his evidence about the coverup.

A press conference will be held on the Courthouse steps following the hearing.

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