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Aug 24, 2000
Contact: Press Office


Issues Statement Supporting Reno's Decision Not to Appoint Special Counsel On Chinagate

(Washington, D.C.) Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm which sparked Chinagate when it took the deposition of John Huang in October, 1996, was saddened to read today that George W. Bush had made the following statement after Attorney General Janet Reno failed again to appoint a special counsel to investigate breaches of national security and other crimes in the still expanding scandal.

    "While it's clear that Al Gore engaged in a number of questionable fund raising activities and gave the FBI statements that continue to raise the issue of credibility, the American people are sick and tired of all these scandals and investigations. The best way to put all these scandals and investigations behind us is to elect someone new. I'm running to uphold the honor and dignity of the White House."
"Reaction Mixed To Reno's Decision Not to Investigate Gore," by Jim Burns, CNS, August 23, 2000.

Previously, at the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia, Bush also dismissed the importance of cleaning up government corruption through court proceedings in our justice system. In remarking upon Bush's lack of concern, the famous columnist William Safire, in an article entitled "Exegesis of Acceptance" of August 7, 2000, wrote:
    Running against Washington. The Yale graduate and child of privilege assumed, Jimmy Carter style, a hardscrabble pose to assert that his �background may lack the polish of Washington.' And then, following a focus-group distaste for controversy;, he dissociated himself from all investigations into Clinton-Gore scandals, including illegal fund-raising: �I have no stake in the bitter arguments of the last few years.' Republicans on the unpopular ramparts of the rule of law were coolly informed he preferred �civility and respect.'
"It should now be clear to most Americans that the only way to clean up the massive corruption in Washington is for the American people to take matters into their own hands. Judicial Watch offers one alternative, and those who wish to join us in our fight for truth and justice can call 1-888-JW-ETHIC or visit our website at The American people need to rise up through legal means and wage a second American revolution, before we are destroyed from within by politicians, lawyers, and judges who, by failing to enforce the law, perpetuate the nation's moral and ethical decline," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

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