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Sep 11, 2000
Contact: Press Office


“Exoneration” Of Lee Meant To Be “Exoneration” Of Administration On Chinagate

Judicial Watch Will Pursue Lee And Others In Court Cases

(Washington, DC) Today, Attorney General Janet Reno, on behalf of the Clinton-Gore Administration, will “happily” enter into a plea agreement with Wen Ho Lee – the individual who still cannot fully account for classified information which he removed from the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratories – by allowing him to plea to one felony count with no additional jail time.

This outrage effectively seeks to exonerate the Clinton-Gore Administration itself of gross negligence and/or complicity in the massive security breach at the Los Alamos Nuclear Labs. In addition, it will clear the way to reach a similar watered-down plea agreement with John Deutsch, the former head of the CIA and an individual who sits on the Board of Directors of Investigative Group International, Inc., Terry Lenzner’s private investigation firm, who has been accused of similar wrongdoing. Many people thought that Deutsch was now being prosecuted because it would not contrast well with Wen Ho Lee, who claimed outrageously that he was being singled out for racial reasons.

“Both Mr. Deutsch and Mr. Wen Ho Lee should have “the book” thrown at them. This is not an issue of race. It is an issue of national security. Thanks to her bungled investigation, Attorney General Reno had a self-made excuse to again let individuals in the Chinagate scandal go free. This is a national disgrace, which Judicial Watch will not stand by and watch,” stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

“You can expect several legal responses from Judicial Watch over this latest breach of duty by the Clinton-Gore Administration,” added Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

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