Printed from
Nov 25, 2000
Contact: Press Office

Judicial Watch Goes Into "Full Court Press" To Ensure Against Fraud In Presidential Elections

Broward Reportedly "Discovers" 500 new ballots

(Washington D.C.) Judicial Watch and its band of over 350 volunteers will go into a 'full court press' mode on Monday. To ensure that the election results, to be certified Sunday evening, are not based on fraud, but honest ballot counting.

Today, Broward County reportedly found 500 'new' ballots, raising an issue as to whether or not the results of the election are in the process of being rigged.

Last Friday, Judicial Watch won court approval to inspect disputed ballots in Palm Beach County. Monday morning Judicial Watch will get access to these ballots. On Tuesday morning, Judicial Watch will have a court hearing in Broward County which will lead to access to its disputed and newly found ballots of Broward Country.

In addition Judicial Watch and its volunteers will be going into the Florida counties where the military ballots have not been counted to inspect them as well.

'It is clear that the Florida recount will be going on for quite some time, regardless of the Secretary of State's certification tomorrow. Indeed the U.S. Supreme Court has taken up the matter and will not rule for at least a week to two weeks whether Florida's recount is legal. As a result it is important for Judicial Watch, on behalf of the American people, to itself ensure a fair and honest election, in order that the person who truly won the election occupies the oval office. An independent certification by Judicial Watch is also important because the results of Sundays certification could be reversed based on fraud or other factors,' stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel, Larry Klayman.

Judicial Watch's emergency efforts are expensive and require your immediate support. In this regard it has hired a large and expensive certified public accounting firm, specialized in election matters, to assist it and render independent analysis for the American people.

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