Printed from
Dec 22, 2000
Contact: Press Office


If President-Elect Bush Allows Senator Ashcroft To Pursue Justice In Clinton-Gore Scandals, Judicial Watch Will Be There

John Ashcroft Is A Social And Religious Conservative

(Washington, DC) Today, it was announced by the Bush-Cheney Transition Team that former Senator John Ashcroft (R-Missouri) would be nominated to be the next Attorney General of the United States. While President-Elect Bush has previously stated that he will not encharge his new Justice Department to pursue the various ongoing Clinton-Gore scandals, Judicial Watch is pleased nevertheless with the selection of Senator Ashcroft (who is known by Larry Klayman), since he is not only a social and religious conservative and thus a man of faith, but he is also a man of integrity. Recently, following Janet Reno�s refusal to appoint a special counsel to investigate Al Gore, President-Elect Bush stated:
    �While it�s clear that Al Gore engaged in a number of questionable fund raising activities and gave the FBI statements that continue to raise the issue of credibility, the American people are sick and tired of all these scandals and investigations.�

Following the Republican Convention, William Safire, in an article entitled �Exegesis of Acceptance� of August 7, 2000, wrote:
    �Running against Washington. The Yale graduate and child of privilege assumed, Jimmy Carter style, a hardscrabble pose to assert that his �background may lack the polish of Washington.� And then, following a focus-group distaste for controversy;, he dissociated himself from all investigations into Clinton-Gore scandals, including illegal fund-raising: �I have no stake in the bitter arguments of the last few years.� Republicans on the unpopular ramparts of the rule of law were coolly informed he preferred �civility and respect.�

If President-Elect Bush has a change of heart and allows new Attorney General Ashcroft to pursue justice in the Clinton-Gore scandals, Judicial Watch will offer its expertise, knowledge and assistance. In addition, even if, as is likely, Senator Ashcroft does not obtain authorization to pursue the Clinton-Gore scandals, he will not stand in Judicial Watch�s way in obtaining justice in the public-interest law firm�s 80-plus lawsuits against President Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Vice President Al Gore and related scandal figures,� stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

�There can be no closure to this sad, tragic and ongoing chapter in American history until the Clintons, Al Gore, and their accomplices are brought to justice,� added Klayman.

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