For Immediate Release
Sep 4, 2001
Contact: Press Office


Subject of Two Major Judicial Watch Lawsuits Concerning Elian Gonzalez Raid

Higher Profile Will Set Greater Precedent For Justice

(September 4, 2001) Judicial Watch Inc., the non-partisan public interest law firm that investigates and prosecutes government abuse and corruption, has brought two major lawsuits against Janet Reno, former Attorney General of the United States under the Clinton-Gore Administration. The lawsuits � which allege civil rights violations � stem from the illegal raid of April 22, 2000 against the Gonzalez family and their Little Havana neighborhood, where innocent citizens were gassed and beaten.

�Janet Reno�s apparent decision to seek the Florida governorship is within her right to do so. However, what Judicial Watch is interested in is justice. Given her record � from WACO, to obstruction of justice in the campaign finance scandal, to Elian � Ms. Reno must be held accountable under the rule of law. Now that she has chosen to elevate her profile by running for governor, when she is brought to justice it will set a greater example that �no one is above the law�,� stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

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